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- director@monmouthilchamber.com
- 89 Public Square, Monmouth, IL 61462
From Marcia Parrish --
Again this year, our family will be hosting the Tom Parrish Memorial Golf Tournament for Parkinson's Disease not only to honor Tom, but also to raise money for Parkinson's disease research. Our event is officially sponsored by Team Fox with the Michael J. Fox Foundation, and therefore 100% of the proceeds will go directly to research to help find a cure. We hope you can join us on August 17th. And if you are unable to be there, please consider visiting our Team Fox fundraising page and make a donation to help find a cure for Parkinson's: https://give.michaeljfox.org/fundraiser/5337240 Last year's golf tournament was a huge success. We were so thankful to have 100 golfers, 40 volunteers, 32 sponsors and many generous donations. This year we would love to do even more for this cause!